sticky notes on board

The Best Way To Make Your 2021 Dreams Come True

Well friends, I’m back and blogging. I took a little break but I’m very excited to be starting off this year getting back into posting weekly and researching for content. I keep a journal with a list of post ideas and I’ve been interested in the idea of manifestation for a long time and I really believe January is the perfect month (being that it is the start of the new year) to get into this topic.

I first heard the term “dream board” from Youtuber Amber Scholl in a video presenting her board and all the things that came true from it. I was immediately interested and began making my own and I can confirm, it really works. In fact, this blog is one of the very things I added to that board and here we are!

No logo or anything, just an idea

The idea of manifestation has been a topic growing in popularity and this dream board is just another form of it. To be clear, this may seem like some Hollywood hoopla, but it definitely is not. Arnold Schwarzenegger kept a photo of Reg Park and looked it everyday to motivate him and Oprah Winfrey says she uses strong imagery to get her to where she is today.

This point is, we know that writing down your goals helps, but having a visual of it does wonders, and psychologists are in support of that. Here are the key points…

  • Add the year: Besides the obvious reason, adding the year also adds a time frame for you to work on your goals.
  • A quote to motivate you and define your goals for the year (I have multiple)
  • The Visuals: Doesn’t have to be anything fancy, just get some photos on there that represent your goals. I printed 40 photos at Walmart for $4.00, but you can even just do one.
  • Be Specific! This is important in order to get where you want to go. If you want to make some money, add a specific number you want to see in your bank account. Want to travel? Pick a place. The universe needs to know. ( Let me add that I was actually spooked by the bank account tip- I got exactly what I wanted)
  • Add a person who you want to embody this year. This is more something that I personally do, but I think it works. For 2020 I had Anna Wintour for her decisiveness and literary skills to help with my blog (did it work?).
  • Hang your vision board up where you will look at it everyday. If you don’t see it, how will you get motivated?

I’m not sure if you will believe me when I tell you that I accomplished so much in 2020 that was on my vision board, it almost scared me that certain things came true. It was a hand-drawn raggedy little poster but it did the trick.

If you’re interested, this Tik Tok I made are a few things from my 2020 mood board that became a reality….

Cheers to 2021 and all your dreams coming true!


Hey babe! Welcome to my blog. I'm Maria, a fashion student, makeup lover, skincare fanatic, and travel enthusiast. I started this blog to share my knowledge on the things I love and learn about. Thanks for joining me!

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