Let me just preface by saying I take Halloween very seriously. I may not be Vanessa Hudgens serious but I’m pretty close. For this reason, I am very passionate about a couple things. First, decorations, second, costumes, and third, candy. One of the worst things to happen to me when trick-or-treating is getting undesirable candy and it is my mission not to give it. Let’s be real, COVID-19 took away so much from these kids, they at least deserve some good candy right?

Well my friends, I’ve done the research. In order to avoid being the house with the worst candy, I decided to find out exactly what these trick-or-treaters really want. So, according to a survey held by Field Agent that asked 1,019 kids age 1-17 about their favorite candy last year, here are the top 10.
10. Jolly Rancher
9. Sour Patch Kids
8. Starburst
7. Twix
6. Skittles
5. M&M’s
4. Snickers Bar
3. Kit-Kat bar
2. Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup
1. Hershey’s Chocolate Bar
Overall, chocolate candies perform better compared to others. It should be noted however in another survey done by YouGov that surveyed 1,000 kids from the ages of 8-17, out of 16 candies, Tootsie rolls did the worst.
Please for the love of all things spooky, do not serve these kids tootsie rolls.
Happy Hallo-week